Thursday, June 29, 2006

Credit Report

So with a father's day card, an ink cartridge, a dress shirt (eBay), two Ecko polo shirts, and 4 pairs of cufflinks (eBay), I now owe... ... ... $106.57. Whoops...I forgot the tuxedo rental for a wedding I'm participating in. So the new total is... $223.17. That's not that bad, eh?

Oddly enough, I'm still considering getting that camera tomorrow...

I don't know when to stop, do I?


You know what? I have two things: a credit card and a short attention span. I'm considering buying a camera...

Classic Plastic

My first credit card...

I got a credit card a couple weeks ago and I can see why people can get in debt. I can pretty much buy anything whenever I want and I don't have to pay for it on the spot. But I figure I have enough money in my savings account to cover whatever I buy this summer. I mean, heh, I already bought a dress shirt off ebay and two polo shirts. Haha, this card is beginning to burn a whole in my pocket...let the debt begin X(

Friday, June 23, 2006

Still...Nothing New

Yep, still bored.

Yep, no trips to any foreign countries, no lost pets, no friend's graduations or wedding fiascos. Just me...

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Look at Me!

Man, I'm just bored out of my little mind. I need something. What do you think I need?

Monday, June 19, 2006

Not a Happy Camper

Okay, so today my cell phone company calls me wanting my mom. After calling her, it finds out that I supposedly "went over" my text messaging. But here's the kicker, when I got my phone, I made sure I got unlimited text messaging. Last time I found out, you can't go over something that is unlimited. I mean, it has no limits. What's up with that!? The bill needs to be paid and guess who's paying for it. Hey, I preached a message in junior church about being accountable. I'll accept the responsibility and I'll pay it; no worries.

But man!

Sunday, June 18, 2006


Yeah ya'll. My sister got her hair done for camp.

It took 4 stinkin' days! I'm sure she's glad it's over. And I'm equally sure she'll never have it done like this again! It does look good though.

Thursday, June 15, 2006


I got bored so here are a few photos...bleh (that one is for you, Toy)


Behold! My sister, oblivious to all things!
She really has no idea what I was doing. Just look at that face. It's enough to make you laugh...hahahahahahaha!

Sunday, June 11, 2006

To Those Who Love Trouble...


Why did I write that? I have no idea. I guess I just want to express my drawing skillz, hehe...

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Magical Shades

So when I was working the other day, I found these new shades. (And no, they're not rose-colored). And a strange thing happened. I turned into a cartoon! No really, look at this picture!

You believe me, right? Well, you should.


Okay, so today my mother and I were going to the grocery store when we saw some ducks...yep, ducks.

I doesn't get any more exciting than that folks. The leader recognized who I was...weird.

Friday, June 09, 2006

C is for Cookie!

Look at these beauties! They look good, don't they?

It's been a while since I made cookies!

Mmm...they're so good too. You want one? Too bad! You can't have one! Ha ha-ha ha!

Thursday, June 08, 2006


Just another day at the office.

Well, I'm here on the computer...again. Posting yet another entry on my fantabulous blog.
...Man, I'm bored out of my mind.

...What are ya lookin at!?

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Church Picnic

Hey, guess what both of you guys. We had a church picnic on Saturday!
Well, see ya!

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Report Card

My spring semester grades came in from school the other day. Look at this horrific report card:

Bible Doctrine II - A
Greek II- A
Congregational Song Leading - B
Church Administration and Polity - B
Assisting the Pastor - A
Historical Books - A
Christian Church Epistles - A
GPA- 3.61

A "B" in song leading? I don't know, man. It's an upright travesty, if you ask me. And church administration and polity... forget about it. It'll be best if I kept my mouth shut about that subject. Good class, good material...that's all I'm going to say about that. Well, at least I did better than a lot of other losers! That deserves two thumbs up!