The question I have been asking a few people is "How do you get over something?"
Heh, it's funny. Almost everybody I have asked that question gets this look on their face and turns away as if they're pondering upon the question. And I get some of the common answers, "It takes time" or "you just have to put it behind you."
I've discussed in a blog post prior to this one that I hate to pretend like nothing ever happened. I don't get how some people can just put a bandaid over a situation and just go on, acting as if nothing ever happened. But I am still learning this concept though. Maybe with a few circumstances, that is what you HAVE to do and as time goes by, things start to slowly leave the memory banks.
I'm aware the Satan uses our sinful past to harm us in the present time. I desire most to be like the Apostle Paul, "forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before." The past can help us in regards to what God has done but it can also hurt us if we live in the past and not the present.
Satan has won a lot of battles but today is a new day. And may we all be on target with Paul and let us all say, "I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus."
Hey you. I just 'happed' to get on your blog today. "Putting things behind"...hmm. I know that challenge well, and still deal with some. Hope all works out for you. Stay faithful, brother.
Karie Beth
Hey Antoine.
Wow. This post was an eye-opener for me. Like you, I don't understand how people pretend like nothing ever happened. It's especially hard when they act that way and leave you with scars. Maybe you're not talking about something that someone did to you, but that's what I immediately thought of. Until about 3 minutes ago, I thought I had dealt with these past issues in my own heart. Turns out, I had just shoved them into the back where (I thought) they wouldn't be disturbed.
Looks like I have some soul-searching to do. Thanks for writing this. You said what my mind would have if it were more mature and in tune with God right now.
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