Saturday, December 05, 2009


If you all (when I say "you all," I'm speaking to the non-existing crowd) have noticed, I have changed my Facebook profile picture to Franklin, one of the many lovable Peanuts characters. Basically, make Charlie Brown black and give him some hair and presto, you have Franklin.

I've always identified myself with the black characters in cartoons. I guess that was the purpose. Funny thing, I was just thinking about this today while eating some Neapolitan ice cream (chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry). Now, growing up I hated strawberry ice cream. Didn't care for the cold, hard strawberry pieces in the ice cream. Complete nonsense.

But there was a cartoon called "Hey Arnold!" I used to watch all the time. And one of the characters on there was Arnold's best friend, Gerald. I identified myself with Gerald...well as closely as I could anyway. I wasn't as cool as he was. Anyway, there was one episode where Arnold and Gerald got some ice cream. And what flavor did Gerald get? That's right, strawberry. After that, I concluded "Hey, if he can eat it why can't I?"

Now what does identifying yourself with cartoon characters have to do with anything? Nothing really...just thought I'd write about it. :D


Cameron said...

haha...Yeah and the black cartoon characters never die first like the black movie characters.