These are the coolest guys you'll ever meet!

Well, I'm not so sure about this guy but definitely the first one is cool!
These are the coolest guys you'll ever meet!
Posted by Mantoine at 1:32 PM 1 comments
Hey, here are a few pics of me and my sister:
Posted by Mantoine at 1:09 PM 2 comments
I'm home for Thanksgiving break! Thanksgiving was good. We did go to Baltimore and I got to see my grandma and several of my other family members. It was good. All my little cousins are growing up, it's so good to see that.
Today is Good Friday. You guys know it as Black Friday. That's why it's good. I gotta run some errands and hopefully no women will beat me up when they see me run off with the blouse they wanted...
Uh...anyway, have a good day, ya'll. Peace E-Z.
(P.S.- Since I know some Einstein will ask, FYI: I DON'T WEAR BLOUSES! Woe unto them that make a "blouse" comment)
Posted by Mantoine at 1:26 AM 3 comments
I know, I know, it's been a while since my last post. But between school, work, and simply not caring, I just haven't found the time to post. But I'm sure to have something for you in the near future.
Two days, people. Two days from now and I'll be on my way home for Thanksgiving break. I'm looking forward to it. My mom says that for Thanksgiving, we're going to Baltimore and having Thanksgiving with our extended family. And I have a real big family so it'll be cool. I'll take pictures and post them as soon as I can...and when I feel like it. Peeth out.
Toy, hang in there.
Posted by Mantoine at 10:09 PM 1 comments
Don't ask. I don't have a clue either
Posted by Mantoine at 6:50 PM 4 comments
I find it kind of funny how some people will hop on the band wagon with certain things (oh, for the sake of the conversation, let's use the example of blogs.) And they make a few posts because it's a "super neato duper idea" and everyone does it. But the last post they have dates back about 2 or 3 months ago. Heh, when will they learn.
Posted by Mantoine at 1:14 PM 1 comments