Saturday, October 28, 2006
Open-Air Meetings
On this fall break, my friends and I went to these open-air meetings that Scott's church were holding. What we would do is go to a neighborhood, knock on the doors and tell everyone that we're having a meeting in a specific location (someplace nearby) and that if they came and participated in a raffle, they'll get different stuff. But before all of that, we'd preach the gospel to them. It was really good. Several people were saved and I was given the opportunity to lead two (2, dos if you're Spanish, duo if you're Greek) boys to Christ.
The stuff we gave away were pretty cool. We gave away bags of candy, 2-liter sodas, a ham (that's right folks, a ham) some stuffed animals and a bike! I wish I had pictures of it but I forgot to bring my camera. Stupid me, I know. But rewarding, nonetheless. Well, at least I know what on earth an open-air meeting is.
Posted by Mantoine at 9:23 PM 3 comments
Friday, October 27, 2006
Sadie Hawkins 2006

Good times, good times. I didn't put a subtitle with each picture because I'm too lazy. Oh well, peeth out.
Posted by Mantoine at 4:18 PM 1 comments
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Fall Break!
Hey, guys. Long time, no post eh? Well, just got through mid-terms and Mission Conference. Sadie Hawkins was a blast, I'll show you some pics later. Right now, I'm at my friend Scott's house with Dave, Chris, and Jared. We're having fun and you're not. So...peeth out!
Posted by Mantoine at 8:36 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Hey Everybody!!

My Sunday school class, the Shepherd's Class. We have tons-o-fun!
Mission Banquet. Here's Cameron stuffing his face with some cake...the story of his life.
Jared makes fun of this security guard...not a good idea.
Bad news is that when I took the picture, the juggler dropped the pins and was fired...oh well!
Don't make fun, that's just the way he smiles.
And then there's me...need I say more?
Posted by Mantoine at 2:47 PM 2 comments
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Hey, It's My Birthday!
Yep, that's right folks. I'm 20 years old today. I feel so loved. I have brownies and cookies that my (female) friends have baked for me and my good ol' friend Scott bought me a Hardee's meal last night. I don't have any midterms today so this day can only get better!
Oh yeah, I woke up this morning with a pain in my shoulder and a lump in my throat. That's a nice present. Oh well, happy birthday to me!
Posted by Mantoine at 7:39 AM 7 comments
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
No Cell Phone
So, I managed to lose my cell phone last Wednesday. I don't know how. All I remember is that I turned it on. I don't remember anything after that. I could've instinctively put it in my pocket. Heh, I let my mom know about it. She didn't seem too happy. Oh well, I'm still praying that'll turn up soon.
Posted by Mantoine at 4:16 PM 4 comments
I'm going to delete Y! Messenger. The only reason why I got it was know, I really have no idea why I installed it. I'm going to delete it though. Well...see ya.
Posted by Mantoine at 10:11 AM 1 comments
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Heaven Rejoiced
On Thursday house-to-house visitation I was given the opportunity to lead a woman to the Lord. It was great! Her name is Holly and she has a 6 month old son Isaiah. She was very receptive and after dealing with her, she prayed that the Lord will forgive her of her sins. After she accepted Christ, I did not want to leave. I wanted to stay with her but we had to keep on going. Someone else will do a follow-up visit...they better or I'll do it myself! It was just fantastic. I don't know about you but I love it when that sort of thing happens!
Later on, we met an elderly mailman who was a Christian. He gave a powerful testimony and he encouraged us tremendously. Before we left, he stopped us and requested that we pray for his atheist co-worker. It felt great, it really did! I truly felt the presence of God.
Folks, that's what it's all about. Following the Lord and delighting yourself in Him. If you go to church out of drudgery or simply go for fellowship and that "your friends are there," I pray that the Lord will change your heart. It's all about surrending your life, wanting to know His will and delighting yourself in Him. Never get bored of it. Don't grow weary of the work. The Lord will bless like he did in my case.
And all God's people said...
Posted by Mantoine at 2:26 PM 1 comments