Sunday, December 31, 2006
Hey, It's...Steph

Posted by Mantoine at 2:00 PM 3 comments
Friday, December 29, 2006
Where's Everyone At?
I'm signed in on both MSN and Yahoo messenger and no one is online. Well, there are a few people but they're "Away." Today's a pretty boring day. I woke up, studied my Sunday School lesson, and then got on the internet to do what? Nothing. Played a few DP tracks (the remix of Aerodynamic rocks my socks everytime and Neptune's remix of Harder, Better, Faster, Stonger is really good too), checked my mail...nothing, and just stared at the screen.
If you get a chance search "beatbox harmonica" on youtube, google video, or whatever, I suggest you do it. This guy is insane. Well anyway, off to work early. It's a holiday weekend so we're going in from 3-6:30. Oh well, see ya'll later.
Posted by Mantoine at 2:31 PM 0 comments
Thursday, December 28, 2006
A Good Week
Yeah, it's a pretty good week for me. I got my check from Chick-fil-A, my Christmas money from my grandmother, and I received my grades. I reached my goal for my college career. I got straight A's. There were many times where I was close but this time, I finally got it. It feels good getting straight A's again. The last time I got them was when I was in the 7th grade.
I'm getting my check for work this Friday and I should be getting some more money for my report card. The majority of this money is going towards, you guessed it, my credit card. So I'll be looking forward to making payments on it. Well it's time to work, gotta make that money. Have a good day, ya'll.
Posted by Mantoine at 4:23 PM 0 comments
Monday, December 25, 2006
Merry Christmas Everyone!
Merry Christmas all of youse. Yes, it is raining but it is Christmas. Praise God for His provision, providing salvation through his Son Jesus Christ.
Someone asked me how my morning was. I told them I didn't have one, on account of I woke up at 12:30 p.m. I was up watching movies: Inside Man and Mission: Impossible III (both pretty cool movies)
Well, since I was up so late last night I delivered the gifts to my family. Some perfume for my sister, perfume and an iron for my mother and some...well...much needed clothing for my father. I got some cologne and 20 bucks. Yay!
Remember, Jesus is the reason for the season. But I think I'm speaking to an audience who knows that already but a reminder won't hurt. Merry Christmas everybody! Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace, good will toward men.
Posted by Mantoine at 4:58 PM 1 comments
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Hey Look, Another Post
Hey ya'll...what's up? Feel free to let me know what's going on...really. Just leave a comment. Okay? Cool. Peeth out.
Posted by Mantoine at 10:04 PM 0 comments
Monday, December 18, 2006
Christmas Time is Here!
Christmas is coming hard and fast, ya'll. I already bought gifts for my mother and my sister. I've yet gone shopping for my father but I have a good feeling that what I'm going to give him is going to be in full supply so I'm not worried about it.
Maybe I should change my blog's theme to be more festive...
We'll see what I can do.
Posted by Mantoine at 9:59 AM 0 comments
Friday, December 08, 2006
Yeah, another interim! Now, it's church finance. It's pretty cool so far. We take notes about church finance and take a quiz at the end of the day over the notes we just took. The nice thing about it, we get to look at the notes while we're taking the quiz! Ha! Well, class is about to begin. Peeth out.
P.S.- I'll try to get some pictures of my interim dorm mates...well, the ones that are in my room anyway
Posted by Mantoine at 8:10 AM 3 comments