A blog entry with such a title is bound to be endless (Don't be scared, this will be short. I promise). Forgiveness is somewhat of a mystery to me. How can someone completely disregard an ill action that was acted upon them to retain a proper standing with the offender? (My own definition, not Websters. Impressed?) Possibly it's because of the relationship with the offender prior to the incident was something to cherish so much that neither party would want anything or anyone to hinder that relationship.
But there's something to note after forgiveness has been granted. Things change. They have to. I liken it unto an equation that doesn't balance out. When an error is found and the equation doesn't balance, you have to start over. Much of the entries are still the same but some exponents must be adjusted.
Don't fear changing the exponents. If you want the equation to balance itself, they must be right. Keep working at it.
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