Heh, if there's anything I don't want to be...it's being fake. I want to be genuine; true blue.
It's hard, you know? I know it's hard. You put on a smile and pretend everything is all honky-dory...but you know deep down, things are pretty much the opposite. The person that you're smiling with and laughing with turns out to be the person you want behead with your teeth (bite their head off...grammatical inconsistency, bleh). But you can't possibly do that. So you put on a smile.
But as I think about it, is it necessarily a bad thing? Should you avoid the person or give the person a scowl every time you two see each other? Maybe it makes things just a bit better whenever you "put on a smile."
Smile...and give them a wink too ;) They love that :D
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