Saturday, February 13, 2010


Lately I've been feeling this way for some reason. You'd think I was over some things and I thought I was too. But sometimes, things start flooding back.

...and when things start flooding back, I get irritated. And then I get angry. And then I just want to yell. Sometimes I think how unfair it was the certain things happened and no one ever heard my side or my rationale. And then I begin to think about what they put me through and I'd give anything to sit them down and yell and scream at them. Then maybe, just maybe they can taste the pain they've caused me. If I can cause a tear to drop, if I can invoke fear in this person's heart than they'll finally understand. And not only that, but they'll think twice before crossing me.

I'm just get fed up. People getting into my business, making a mess of things and then moving on with live with no regard for the lives they've ruined in the past. No thought about what they did or no concern for how that person feels. Selfish, they are. They say they're concerned. They say they love me. Where are you now? No where to be found.

But then let me flip the script...what have I done? Did I push them away? ...nope, I was on the right track.

You say I have a lot of can say that. I guess I never get over anything. Or at least, I need more time.


I can't sleep and I may know a couple reasons why

1. This snow has really taken it's toll on me. I stay up all night, sleep in, eat and play video games all day. As much as I don't want to do it, I need to start working again. Make myself more useful and perhaps introduce some new things in my daily routine.

2. My itching has come back. Not full force but it's still here. Even with the medication, I just seem to scratch and itch. Makes for a real frustrating night.

3. I worked out Tuesday and still feeling the affects from it. Each day it hurts more. It's getting more and more uncomfortable to do anything. I'll be fine...but not for a while.

4. Can't say much but I'm now dealing with a situation and not quite sure how to handle it. I know one thing, something has to change. Some people may not understand it and some people may not like it but looking at my track record, I'm not a person that is known for pleasing everybody all the time. I guess I'm battling what people will think of me after the fact...but really, that's not my problem; especially if it's for their benefit. I've said too much already

Thursday, February 11, 2010


...yeah, nuff said.

Sunday, February 07, 2010

Frozen Tundra

Okay, it's been a while since I posted but that's what happens with blogs. They suffer droughts like the desert and exercise regiments...

Anyway, this winter has been absolutely crazy. December, we got about a foot. Now, the Blizzard of 2010, it's looking like 2 feet of snow. I've never seen anything like this. It's pretty cool...but having no power wasn't all that fun. It lasted about 14 or so hours but our power is back, up and running.

Funny, you don't realize what you have until it's gone. Electricity is one thing. But it can apply to other things as well. Friends...I miss dearly. I know they're not "gone" but they're not available like they used to be.

Eh, change of subject but I've been told I'm good at it. Oh well, have a good one (all three of you)