Saturday, January 31, 2009

You Must Think I'm Stupid...

Naturally, being a guy, I have a one-track mind. I see one thing and that's all I see; not viewing the big picture.

But I have a surprise for you. Though I don't claim to have any ounce of extraordinary intelligence, I see more than one thing in many different angles. I know what she's thinking and why she thinks it. I know what's going through his mind and why he came to such conclusions. I understand why they are thinking this-and-that and on it goes.

But after it's all said and done, I do choose my way. Sometimes it's not the best way. Sometimes it's not the easy way. But it's the way that makes the most sense. Sorry if that's self-centered, I don't mean to be. But who else knows me better than me? I don't even know myself. Only the Lord knows me and I trust that He'll show me the way I should take.

If you're thinking I'm a complicated individual, well you are right... but it's so much fun :D

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Adding Salt...

It stings...

Something less painful could have been used...

We could have just patched it up...

This injury could have been prevented...

It could have been different...

But you decided to play around...

You thought you were invincible...

Unexpected forces proved you to be wrong...

And now you have this wound...

An open reminder of your mistake...

And no doubt, it'll leave a scar...

But you'll know better next time...won't you?

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I Like Spurgeon...But Not THIS Much

Just reading some Lectures to My Students by Charles H. Spurgeon as required reading for the Master's program. I've been enjoying it. He has a mind on him and he's a bit lofty but there's so much substance...which I like (...)

But man, I've been doing a lot of reading and more is to come. I hope I don't end up despising Spurgeon like someone I know. I won't say any names but this person knows of whom I'm speaking.

Ah well, it's all part of the process I suppose. It's good, it really is.

Hey, enjoy the journey. Later.

Sunday, January 25, 2009


Given the title of this blog, this post is dedicated to one of my good friends Liz. Hopefully this doesn't embarrass you, Lizzie.

I just wanted to say publicly that you're a wonderful person and I appreciate your friendship. As a guy, I appreciate your consistency and your sanity (seriously, sane girls are hard to find nowadays. You're a dying breed :D ). I enjoy every conversation we have. You're just awesome!

I could go on and on about this wonderful friend of mine but she already knows how I feel about her....don't you? :D

This is to you, Liz. Have a great day.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Allow me to give a quick word to all the nay-sayers, slanderers, two-faced cowards, and evildoers...congratulations, you won. But I'm still standing, stronger than ever. My spirit has been shaken, trampled over and attacked...but not broken. You made me realize that fighting with you was completely and utterly useless and futile. I remember what my purpose is now and it's not to contend with the likes of you. My only regret is caring what you thought about me. What a loss of genuine passion!

But for those who remained true, earnest, and by my side...congratulations, for you will always be dear to my heart. I lost sight for a brief moment but by God's grace, I'll get back on track. It's not over, not by a long shot.

And to both audiences, keep your eyes on Christ. I leave you with His ever so tranquil words, "Let not your heart be troubled..."

Monday, January 19, 2009

Is It Still January?'s still January. Time is slowing down ever so slightly. I'm nowhere near my breaking point, I'm far from it...but goodnight, it seems like it's approaching.

All is well though. It snowed today. As I am typing, it's still snowing. Snow brings a certain happiness. It makes present problems seem so small when you see those pleasant flurries fall. (I'm a poet, can ya tell? :D)

It's a reminder that everything is going to be alright. God is still in control. Not only is Psalm 37 still in the Bible but the God of Psalm 37 still lives. Hallelujah!

Friday, January 16, 2009

One Person Can Make a Difference

It's funny how much power and influence one person has; whether it be positive or negative.

I'm facing a lot of negative power right now. It's so heart-wrenching and sad for someone you know and love to be mightily used of God at one moment...and then be mightily used of Satan the next.

Things at this point can never be the same. Relationships, unless by the divine intervention of God, will end and they will end miserably. People are showing their true form.

I've run out of options.

But thanks be unto God, Psalm 37 is still in the Bible. Praise the Lord!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Parental Discretion is Advised


This shows my frustration with people. People are funny; not in a humorous way (though that may be the case sometimes) but in a way that sparks one's curiosity. Due to the public nature of this site, I will not mention...well, anything in particular. Just shooting buckshot and seeing what I hit.

I've noticed that I like to candy-coat things to make them less harmful. But plain talk is easily understood. I'm slowly learning that concept. I'm also aware of the fact that I'm a very mysterious person; quite ambiguous. I'd go as far as to say that I'm the personification of ambiguity. I don't try to be but that's just the way I am. I think I have a few of my friends to thank for that; two in particular but I'm not going to mention their names.

I don't think I've been this "rowled up" before. I can just spew anything and everything unapologetically (This is my word so if you're an etymologist or a grammar teacher, get over it...bless your heart :D). I've gone too far and too long without having my side heard. I'm always trumped.

But what am I to do? I'll tell you what. I'm just going to sit here and wait. Whenever someone has the intelligence and the wherewithal to ask me and to hear me out, I'll gladly let them know. But until that happens, I'm going to be me...unapologetically.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Implications About Being a Nerd

While Preston was playing XBox Live, he made the comment "I'm a nerd." I've thought about that statement briefly and have come up with a few thoughts.

Obviously, nerds are very peculiar. They are different from everyone else. They have a few things that set them apart from the rest of the crowd; be it a certain interest, appearance...or odor.... But whatever the case may be, they're different. They somewhat go by the beat of their own drum.

Another observation I've made is that they are outcasts. They are often shunned from the "in-crowd" and labeled as pariahs. No one dares to be seen with them lest they be associated with them.

But I find a redeeming quality in all nerds. They, without any disputation, are passionate about their novelty/hobby. Whether the activity is video games, board games, reading, or anything is not what I admire. It's the passion they have that is so admirable. They put their heart into what they like. They're not mere participants but zealots. They throw themselves in it.

Look at the cool crowd. Notice the overall attitudes: indifferent, complacent, and lazy. The only thing they that takes effort with them is the maintenance of their "cool" status. Even that doesn't take much effort. All it takes is a "jellyfish" mentality; just going with the wave. Nothing's unique about going along with everyone else.

Are you a person of passion? Is there anything that you throw yourself into? Are you complacent, lack passion?

Are you a cool person or are you a nerd?

Thursday, January 08, 2009

It's Looming...

School and work are ever before me...sigh, and I know I have to do it but I just don't want to do it. I think it's the same with everyone. Something's wrong with my notebooks for school. They're just a tad different from last time and I think they messed something up. I'm just waiting for some clarification before I start working on them. Right now, I'm just chillin in the living room watching Preston play Halo online. It's quite entertaining.

Folger's Gourmet Coffee is good and I highly recommend it. Chocolate Truffle is delightful. They smell great and the taste is great when you add sugar. Why the plug for Folger's? No clue. I just like the coffee. Oh well, catch ya later

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Back in the Swing of Things

Today was head felt funny, my heart was beating quite fast, and I was reading all day. I have a notebook due tomorrow (or today, depending upon how you want to look at it) and I have been doing the last minute blitz before I get it done.

Baked a peach cobbler today. It was quite good. My roommates liked it. Very easy to make and even better to eat. See? As long as you follow the instructions, everything should turn out just right. Well, the saffron rice needed some more time but I'll get it next time. The chicken was alright too.

Well I guess it's time to start putting this notebook together. Registration tomorrow, fun stuff. Later.

Monday, January 05, 2009


So I was looking for a new template for a long time yesterday but I had to be somewhere so I just settled with this one. It's nice, has the eclipse-like effect. I wanted something that reflected more my personality.

I saw one with a bench in an open space, that was good. And this one that was titled "Lost" or something like that with a bunch of dead trees and pond.

I'm not emo, I swear. I'm just a bit weird. There was one with a wolf howling, I liked that one. But whenever I tried to copy and paste the HTML into the blogger layout, it would say something was wrong. I ran out of patience quickly and I just settled with this.

The one I had before was a denim layout. It was different but too girly. One person said they liked it and she was a girl so...didn't help me out much. I valued her opinion, of course but I was looking for an edgy, meloncholy look. This does a pretty good job.

Well, that's about it for now. Catch ya later.

Saturday, January 03, 2009

Two Months? Really?

Has it really been two months since I posted something on this page? I suppose so. Well another semester down, another one to go. The spring semester always brings out the worst any everybody because it's longer with shorter breaks. I go into my Eeyore depressions that aren't as bad as they may sound. But with Masters...yeah, fun stuff.

New Years Resolutions, anyone? Not me. Very much overrated and always broken.

I graduate this semester...again. Hopefully, if I don't goof off or get too distracted. I'd like to start right and finish strong. Don't ask me about this summer though, that's still a toss-up.

Oh well, rock it out today! \m/><\m/