Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Corban Lucas? That's not your name!

Yeah, yeah, I know I know. If you're wondering, neither Corban Lucas nor Garrison is my name. For those who DO know my name are aware of that but still no one really knows what's really behind these names. Here, allow me to explain it for you all.

"Corban Lucas" is somewhat of a compound name. They're are both Greek derivatives. Being a pastoral major in a Bible college, I'm required to take Greek. Fun...I know. Anyway, there is a passage in the gospel records (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John for the heathen) that shows "corban" as a word. This word originally means "gift." Names also have meanings. The name "Lucas" means "luminous" or "light." You put them together and it literally means "gift of light." I wanted to name one of my sons that. I thought it was pretty cool.

Garrison is the my great-grandmother's last name; my grandmother's maiden name. In the Bible, a garrison was a type of stronghold for armies. I wanted to name another of my sons Garrison El. In the Hebrew language, "El" simply means God. So it would come out as "stronghold of God" or something like that. The name Garrison is growing on me fast.

Okay, that was kinda pathetic but who cares? It's my blog and I do what I want to do with it. What now!?

P.S.- Thanks for reading :)


Anonymous said...

Talking alot about sons names! Ever think that you might have a daughter? Lol!