I know that along with years come wisdom. The Bible says in Ecclesiastes 1:18, "For in much wisdom is much grief: and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow." I've learned so far in my life how true this principle is. I've been told I'm a wise person. I take that with much humility. But I can recall several things in my life that caused this wisdom and knowledge. A lot of these things really did bring grief and sorrow.
When you were young, you may have wondered how it felt to touch a hot stove or how it felt to jump out of a high tree branch. At that time, you were unknowledgeable. But then you decide to touch that hot stove or jump out of that tree. Well...you know now that it wasn't a good idea but it cost you something. You have that knowledge but along with it came some grief and sorrow (not to mention, pain).
I don't know everything there is to know about life. No one really does except for God Himself. But I do know that whenever I live life in my own power, I fail. Not only do I hurt myself but I hurt those around me.
Another timeless, biblical (if it's biblical, it's timeless) principle: your sin will affect others. That thought frightens me. Sometimes I'm so selfish I don't think about others when I do wrong but other people will be affected. Look at Achan, King David, Jonah and others. Sin in their lives affected friends, family, and other people. May God help us in this area.
The older I get, the more I realize that there are things I don't want to do but I know I must do them. This principle started with me at an early age with simply cleaning my room, eating everything on my plate, and brushing my teeth. Now, it has stemmed to paying my bills on time, going to work, and such the like. I have no problem with eating everything on my plate and brushing my teeth. Cleaning my room? Eh.... But there will always be something that needs to be done, even if you don't want to do them.
That's the sign of true maturity. Thinking of others and doing what needs to be done. Is this not the mind of Christ? He prayed in the Mount of Olives, "Let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt." Christ made the ultimate sacrifice. It's going to cost us something to follow Christ, yes. It's also going to cost us to think of others and doing right by them. Take a look at your life. Are you living for yourself? Are you doing what benefits you for the present moment? There's pleasure in sin for a season.
I have a lot of growing up to do...
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