I hate it when nothing changes. I mean, things seem to be stagnant and nothing is in your favor. But I noticed something that perhaps other people have experienced a long time ago. When nothing changes, character is being built.
Something happens to you when things don't seem to go your way. Your faith is increased. You decide to depend upon the Lord and to give everything in His hands. You take certain things more seriously and lesser things not as seriously. I'm starting to see that the things that would trouble me in the past don't have much weight with me now and the things I haven't considered in the past, I focus on those even more.
So this is maturing, eh? Funny, I thought I was doing a good enough job on my own. But we all have to go through it. Some may call it the refiner's fire, conforming into the image of God's dear Son.
I just pray that as I am tried and purified, I shall come forth as gold.
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