I'd like to think that I'm a consistent person. Now there are times when I'm a bit spontaneous and a special friend has told me that I'm full of surprises...and yes, I'm still full of them ;}
But I can't stand inconsistency. People that act one way and do the opposite. A better term is hypocrite. And I hope that someone calls me out on it if I'm one. It'll help me out tremendously.
I can't stand fake people. I can see passed their smiles, their friendly greetings, and their jokes. I can see passed their sudo-amiable countenances. A hypocrite has two things working against him: his words and his actions. Not only do they work against him but they work against each other. But there's a funny thing about words...they circulate. People always find out.
You think you can go on and say what you want to say and save your face? You think you can use your silver tongue and your soft eyes to win everyone on your side? Think again.
I'll fight for my friends. Those who I know that are innocent in the matter, they'll have my allegiance. You think you won...but you're far from a victory.
And for those I fight for, you know who you are. I'll remain true to you because not only do you remain true to me but most importantly, you remain true to those who are against you, to those who have wronged you. That is most admirable and for that, I thank you. Let me know if there's anything I can do for you.
I'm here.
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