Monday, July 31, 2006

Item 2 of 3

This time, I got a set of shirts: 3 rugby shirts and one t-shirt. I didn't like the t-shirt so I gave it to someone in my church but here are the shirts.

They're pretty hot, yo.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Item 1 of 3

(sniff)...ah, the sweet smell of new shoes.

Heh. These will scuff so bad, it's not even funny. But you know what is funny? My mom called me from the basement and told me my shoes came in. And then she asked me, "You think you're going a bit overboard with this card?" "Of course not" I said. I wonder how she's going to react when she finds out about the other two items. Hmm...

A Bit Unorthodox

Okay, so I woke up to the smell of french toast and the whining of my little niece this morning. Problem is, it was 7:50 in the a.m. when I woke up! Now, that's not an unusual time to wake up for me but during the week in the middle of summer when I don't have to go to work until 5? Come on, now.

I've aptly named the place I dwell "The Office." Tah-dah! Here, I have my computer to do my online investments (eBay, Overstock, Zappos), my properly scheduled conferences with fellow execs (MSN and Y! Messenger), and I have my coffee (it's an actual cup of coffee). I clocked in really early today and I'll be clocking out the same time I always do. Then, after coming from my actual job, I'll be doing some overtime from 9-whatever time I real like going to bed. Why oh why did I have to get up so early?

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Frustration...Part II

I guess you're wondering about "Frustration Part I" right about now. Well, I WAS writing it with a certain tone so any reader could easily distinguish my feelings but I believe the entry was intervened divinely. So, here I go again.

Have you ever been in an argument with someone that after the fact you said that they were right and that you yourself were wrong just out of complete and utter spite; and that maybe just maybe they'll catch on to your superfluous use of sarcasm? Yeah, I need to raise my hand with the rest of you people. But doesn't it just seem that the world would be a better place if everything went your way? Unfortunately, it doesn't quite work that way.

But when it ever gets to that point, just remember: God loves that person, even if they're wrong and you're right.

Better? I don't know. I need some sugar.


(sigh)... Don't you hate it when someone corners you to making a decision you don't really want to make, but to remain true to Christian testimony you say yes anyway? That happens to me a lot. Just the other day, I was cornered by someone who does vacation Bible school for the church. He overheard me talking to my former youth pastor, now missionary, about the hours I work. I work part-time, from 5-9 in the p.m. So when I turned around, he was practically smelling me, " wanna do vacation Bible school? It's from 9 a.m-12 p.m"

"Er...uh...sure! I'll be glad to!" For some reason, I knew it was going to happen. My sister wasn't planning on doing vacation Bible school either, but when I went to her I said, "Guess what. We're doing vacation Bible school."

"We? Who's we?" she said. "You and me, you silly goose," I said to her. "Says who" she exclaimed. "I do," I replied. "If I have to do it, you do too." Much to her chagrin, she agreed.

Listen, if you're thinking right now, "You're so carnal. You don't wanna serve the Lord"...don't give me that garbage. You've done the exact same thing AT LEAST once; and trust me, with that I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt. I'm just speaking the truth. But I know one thing, I won't regret doing it. You see that's the kind of attitude you need to have, the the Lord is going to do something. Cornered...

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

I've Done Done It Again Ya'll!

(sigh)... I bought two pairs of shoes just now; no thanks to you, Toy. I needed some advice and you had the audacity to show me some...vegetarian shoes? Oh by the way, I didn't end up buying both the white pair and the black pair of Converses. I bought the white Converse pair and I bought a pair of Timberland boots. I sure hope they fit...

They DO look nice, I have to admit. What do you think?

(P.S.-Toy, you know I love you. How 'bout I give you that consolation prize? You know I'll be more than happy to give it, hehe...)

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Cheesecake Brownies!

I was hungry again so I...well, take a look

Mo Money...To Spend

Okay, so I've managed to spend more money since the memory card and batteries (if I forgot to mention, I bought batteries too). So far, I took out $40 from the ATM, half of which went into my father's jeep for gas. It's not like I'm a nice guy or anything; it was because the stinkin' tank was on E when I got it so I HAD to fill it up if I wanted to reach my destination. I bought 5 more shirts off ebay; one of the shirts will be too small and another will have a whole in it. (Note: Kids, remember to read the item description before buying anything from ebay. It'll save you a lot of greif.) That came to a total of around $45 to $50. Then, I PLAN on renting a car for a weekend so I can go to this wedding; and I predict that'll at least $100. Money, money, money...I'm made of it. Well, a very limited amount anyway.

Oh yeah, if you guessed that I bought my memory card with my credit're wrong. You can get a consolation prize though. Like, a kiss on the cheek or something of that nature. ;)

Grandchildren, it's still funny!

It's Late

Alright, I took a nap at around 4 this afternoon and didn't wake up until 9-ish. It's 1:23 in the a.m. now and I'm not showing any signs of fatigue or exhaustion. I have a feeling I'm going to be up for a looooong time.

You know, I can always take some Tylenol PM...

Saturday, July 22, 2006

I'm Hungry...

Friday, July 21, 2006

Memory Card

Hey, ya'll. My sister needed to return some video rentals so my father gave me the keys so I could take her. After she returned the videos, I thought I'd take advantage of the time I had so we went to the mall.

The mall itself was opened but the stores were closed; they didn't open until 10:00 a.m. So, my sister and I decided to just walk around for half an hour until the necessary stores opened. When they did, I went to Best Buy and bought myself a 1 GB memory card for my camera. And how do you think I paid for it?

Submit your guesses to me in the comment section of this entry. Guess correctly and win a free prize! Seriously, guess correctly and I'll give you something...for free! Yay!

Thursday, July 20, 2006

this is an audio post - click to play

I Haven't Posted...

I haven't posted anything in a while.
... well, there ya go.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Current Credit Status

Okay, so here's the update. My credit report finally came in the mail and as of last "month" (the last 30 days) I owe $223.17. Now, I have calculated my expenses since the last purchase the report had recorded and it comes to an additional $244.60. Hang with me now. So, take the $223.17 from the last 30-day period and add the $244.60 within this 30-day period. What do ya get?

* * *
Ever since I got my credit card, I have spent $468.07 on merchandise. (sigh)...I don't know what to do with myself. But at least I can cover the expenses with the money I DO have in my account. Why didn't my mother just go debit?

Sooner or later, I'm going to come to the realization that discussing my financial status with the world isn't such a good idea.

A Valuable Lesson to Learn

It doesn't matter if you win or lose, as long as you come in first.

I Hate It when I Receive News Late

Okay, so I have this camera that I bought online for roughly $200. It's not a bad camera, it's nice and I like it. But today, someone who had the same camera told me that she got her camera for under $140. She also told me that Wal-mart (of all places) sells them for that cheap too. Needless to say, my countenance fell and I wanted to rent my clothes. But then I thought to myself that would be a bit too drastic, since I was wearing one of my favorite suits and all. Oh well, you win some, you lose some I sometimes say.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

(sigh)...once again

Just trying to pass some time

That's me, looking at the computer I do every minute of the day

There's my sister thinking whether the flash temporarily blinded her vision or not

Ugh, Saturdays

Saturdays are so boring. When I was younger, Saturdays were full of fun and I couldn't wait for the weekend to come. Now, I do absolutely nothing. Today has been a complete and total waste. I didn't even go to visitation today. I know, I know, but just hear me out.

This morning, my sister needed to go work for a lady in our church and that required us to leave a whole lot earlier than usual. I was still...contemplating on whether or not I should get up or not. After I made the decision to stay in bed, my father went to drop my sister off at the lady's house. Later, I found out that my father had no intention of dropping me off at the church since my sister had to go somewhere else.

And here's something else that's funny. My mom had to work and she wouldn't have been able to pick me up if I did go.

So, I've been here all day. That's usually the case every week but not next week. Next week is the "McKeiver-Garrison" family reunion. So you know what that means, don't cha? A lot of burgers, loud music, and people I don't know. That's pretty much how the reunions are. Ah, I can taste those meat-like patties right now...

Friday, July 14, 2006


I got it, I got it, I got it!

My camera finally came in the mail! Just look, I'm so excited. Look at the quality. It looks a whole lot better than pictures taken from my picture phone, don't you think? Well I definitely think so. And trust me, there's more great pictures to come. Thumbs up!

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Oh, THAT Plate of Spaghetti...

See, what had happen was that I was eating the spaghetti and my lemonade was running low. So, I went to the kitchen to get some more lemonade and I got into a conversation with Mrs. Case, you see. We talked for a good 20 minutes and by the time I got back to my plate, everyone was finished and getting ready for church. I was eating and eating and eating but I had a lot of spaghetti, she gave me a lot! I even asked Rachel if she had paper plates and foil so I can finish up later. By the time we came back from church, my beloved spaghetti plate was gone! So, I ate a little bit of the spaghetti (which I liked by the way), no chips (because Ben ate them all), and no cookies, (because Sharon put peanut butter in them...just kidding; but there were peanut butter in them so I couldn't eat them). Needless to say, I was quite famished by the time we crossed the bridge. So there!

(P.S.- If you have absolutely no idea what this entry was about...don't worry about it. It was only for one person. And don't feel so flattered Crownie gal!)

Alright, alright already! I know, I know, I know!

Okay, so get this. Today, my friend Cameron and I went to visit some friends in Jurassic...oh, sorry, the Eastern Shore. You know, they're friends from school. So anyway I go there and they're pleased to see me (of course) and I tell them what's been going on lately. They...know about my credit card and my several expenses and they all were just hounding me about getting in debt and I need to be careful and all that stuff. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I heard it all before. Thanks guys.

No, it doesn't end there. We decided that we were going to visit their church. So, we get there and the pastor starts preaching on marriage, money, and ministry; it was supposedly a series of sermons he'd been working on. And guess what sermon he was preaching on...that's right, money. He went about saying how using a credit card can be god and I totally agree with him. That credit card can be a wicked idol and it is to a lot of people; especially to those who don't know it. So, I'm in the pew listening to him preach but whenever the "credit card" was mentioned, I just felt eyes fastened upon me. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know. My friends, gotta love them.

So after being preached at by my friends and the pastor, I pretty much got a good understanding on how NOT to use my credit card. But people, I knew it all along. I have the money to pay for it and I'm going to pay it ALL off when I get the bill (monthly payments, bleh!) Anywho, Cameron and I left and decided to go somewhere to eat. It was late and what's better than getting a bite to eat at 2:00 in the morning? Nothing! So we went to good ol' Denny's. Come to find out that I had no cash on me. So, I had to use it.

I know, I know, you don't have to tell me.
(Oh yeah, if you spent your time actually reading this! You need a life big time!)

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Una Camera

Don't worry, you're not on a spanish blog. I would just to inform my fellow bloggers (all 3 of you) that I finally purchased a camera. It's a pretty nice one, a Canon A530 PowerShot digital camera. It's pretty sweet, I guess. Check it out, check it out, check it out...
I told you guys (and girl) that I was going to do it. Heh, that'll be another 200 bucks to my credit...still haven't paid it off though. I'm not in too bad of shape, right?

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Yep, he's still playing...

So Fletcher, how do you feel about your toy?

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

(sigh)...part III

Man, I hate the internet. I feel as if I'm a slave to the world wide web. I can't wait until school starts up again. I need some schoolwork to wean me off the web. America (and that involves the faithful few from Puerto Rico), have pity on me.

Monday, July 03, 2006

My Next Meal


I'm kidding! Chill out, will ya! Phew, man. You thought I already did something bad.

Familiar? He should one of you people anyway. This is Fletcher. He's a very friendly dog. Kinda too friendly. He won't leave me alone. But all he wants is a little lovin, that's all. He was a little scared of me at first. To be truthful, he was terrified of me. I look nothing like one of his six owners so I can see where he was coming from. But he got used to me quick. He's a good dog.

Man, I am tired. And sadly, this is what I really look like when I'm sleeping. I'm going to retire early tonight. Peeth out ya'll!

It's eBay-zing (I'm working on it, okay?)

Ever since I got this credit card, I've been the avid online shopper. So far, I've purchased a shirt and a 4 sets of cufflinks (if you don't know already.)

Lately, I've been bidding on items such as a camera and Windows XP software. Sadly, people have been outbidding me to the point that I'm not willing to pay $50 for a stinkin' camera. Hey, if I can get it for 5 bucks, I'm going to keep shopping until I do so. Cheap, I know but sometimes you just get lucky.

I lost the bidding for a camera (a nice one, I might add) and the XP software. Right now, I'm bidding on another camera. The auction ends sometime tomorrow. If only it can pass without any other doorknobs from bidding on it, then it'll be a good day. If not, I guess I'll just have to settle for buying an expensive one at the mall. (sigh)