Thursday, July 13, 2006

Alright, alright already! I know, I know, I know!

Okay, so get this. Today, my friend Cameron and I went to visit some friends in Jurassic...oh, sorry, the Eastern Shore. You know, they're friends from school. So anyway I go there and they're pleased to see me (of course) and I tell them what's been going on lately. They...know about my credit card and my several expenses and they all were just hounding me about getting in debt and I need to be careful and all that stuff. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I heard it all before. Thanks guys.

No, it doesn't end there. We decided that we were going to visit their church. So, we get there and the pastor starts preaching on marriage, money, and ministry; it was supposedly a series of sermons he'd been working on. And guess what sermon he was preaching on...that's right, money. He went about saying how using a credit card can be god and I totally agree with him. That credit card can be a wicked idol and it is to a lot of people; especially to those who don't know it. So, I'm in the pew listening to him preach but whenever the "credit card" was mentioned, I just felt eyes fastened upon me. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know. My friends, gotta love them.

So after being preached at by my friends and the pastor, I pretty much got a good understanding on how NOT to use my credit card. But people, I knew it all along. I have the money to pay for it and I'm going to pay it ALL off when I get the bill (monthly payments, bleh!) Anywho, Cameron and I left and decided to go somewhere to eat. It was late and what's better than getting a bite to eat at 2:00 in the morning? Nothing! So we went to good ol' Denny's. Come to find out that I had no cash on me. So, I had to use it.

I know, I know, you don't have to tell me.
(Oh yeah, if you spent your time actually reading this! You need a life big time!)


Anonymous said...

First I don't live in Jurastic I live in a perfectly nice house in the middle of the Eastern Shore. Second my eyes never once looked your way during the sermon. Third why did you go out to eat when you left a mountian of spagetti uneaten on the table at the Case's. Wasteful man truly wasteful.