Thursday, July 13, 2006

Oh, THAT Plate of Spaghetti...

See, what had happen was that I was eating the spaghetti and my lemonade was running low. So, I went to the kitchen to get some more lemonade and I got into a conversation with Mrs. Case, you see. We talked for a good 20 minutes and by the time I got back to my plate, everyone was finished and getting ready for church. I was eating and eating and eating but I had a lot of spaghetti, she gave me a lot! I even asked Rachel if she had paper plates and foil so I can finish up later. By the time we came back from church, my beloved spaghetti plate was gone! So, I ate a little bit of the spaghetti (which I liked by the way), no chips (because Ben ate them all), and no cookies, (because Sharon put peanut butter in them...just kidding; but there were peanut butter in them so I couldn't eat them). Needless to say, I was quite famished by the time we crossed the bridge. So there!

(P.S.- If you have absolutely no idea what this entry was about...don't worry about it. It was only for one person. And don't feel so flattered Crownie gal!)


Anonymous said...

I did not eat all the chips just most of them so stop blaming me for your lack of food!!!! You just weren't fast enough or strong enough to get the food before me a little 15 year old!!!!

Mantoine said...

Uh huh...

Anonymous said...

You, my friend, are not very helpful.